Our First Artists in Residence for Murals on Main
We had gorgeous weather for the first annual Murals on Main Festival. Our four national and international artists, Irene Lopez Leon,
Irene’s mural at 4th & Erie
Kevin Burdick,
Kevin Burdick at Rogers City Home Furnishings on 3rd Street
Anna Charney,
Anna Charney, 2nds on 3rd
and Blaine Fontana,
Blaine Fontana, State Farm on 3rd Street
stayed with The Stone House Studio for about ten days. We are still finishing construction in the house but the artist residency spaces were able to host these talented muralists. In addition, our local artist Rachel Klein joined us for meals and activities at the Stone House Studio.
Rachel Klein (Stergy) at wellhouse by the Purple Martin Inn.
We also hosted part of the Street Art Day including a Wild Rides: Graffiti your Ride program for kids. We had a great time while the kids spray painted, used stencils, and stickers to make their skateboards, scooters and bikes reflect their creative choices.
Street Art Day: Graffiti your Ride
Some of our talented young artists!
The mural artists could walk right next door to the Westminster Park to watch Carrie Caruso perform a candlelight concert for Murals on Main.
Carrie Caruso Candlelight Concert in Westminster Park
Blaine also left behind a surprise at the Stone House Studio…
Painted stump in the side yard at The Stone House Studio
We can’t wait until next year!